A few tips about using Progesterone Cream
Apply the cream after a warm shower or bath, not before it. When it is used on the face, let it soak in completely before applying makeup, and do not apply Natural Progesterone Cream on top of makeup.
•Guidelines for Premenopausal Women. If you have an average 26- to 30-day menstrual cycle, you can begin your first month of cream use between day 10 to 12 of your menstrual cycle, counting the first day of your period as day 1. Continue until a day or two before your expected period, which for most women is between 26 and 30 days. If your period starts before your chosen last day, stop using the cream and begin counting again to day 10, 11, or 12. The closer you can get to using the cream when you ovulate or just after, the more in tune with your own cycle you will be. It may take two or three cycles to find the synchrony your body desires.
•Guidelines for Menopausal Women. The majority of menopausal women can simply use 1/8 teaspoon to 1/4 teaspoon of Natural Progesterone Cream for 24 to 26 days in a row of the calendar month. Many women find it easiest to start using the cream on the first day of the month and stop from day 24 to 26 until the next month. Other women prefer to take their hormone break for the first five to six days of the calendar month and then use the cream until the end of the month