Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pregnancy and Progesterone

Dr. Katharina Dalton, who conducted these studies, first discovered the amazing benefits of progesterone through personal experience when she found that her own menstrual migraines disappeared during the last six months of pregnancy. She concluded that the high levels of progesterone during pregnancy might have made the difference. She then tested the use of progesterone on other women and found the same rapid relief of both headache and other symptoms. Noting that if symptoms normally associated with PMS should return at any stage of pregnancy, a resumption of progesterone treatment would be indicated, she advises: "You could be wise to arrange prophylactic progesterone during pregnancy."

Dr. Dalton is one of the many scientists and doctors who have discovered that progesterone in the natural form:

protects the fetus from miscarriage
increases the feeling of well-being of the mother
increases the potential IQ of the child
produces calmer, less colicky babies
To protect the fetus the body secretes ten to fifteen times more progesterone during pregnancy than at other times. Dr. Lee tells us that the placenta becomes the major source of progesterone, producing 300 to 400 mgs. per day during the third trimester. What a great protection we have during pregnancy with this incredible hormone! And with no known dangerous side effects.