Natural progesterone is made by the ovaries prior to menopause and by the adrenal glands and fat cells after menopause and is the precursor for natural estrogen. It is the single most important hormone in the female body. When the female body fails to produce enough progesterone between ovulation and menstruation and during menopause, natural transdermal progesterone cream can address the underlying cause of most symptoms.
Because the female body uses natural progesterone to make natural estrogen, a properly formulated natural progesterone cream is the natural safe choice for menstruating women and for post-menopausal women seeking to establish the correct balance of their two primary female hormones. This balance of Natural Progesterone and Natural Estrogens will protect them from the effects of the condition known as "Estrogen Dominance".Estrogens are predominately female hormones, and in adults, they are important for maintaining the health of the reproductive tissues, breasts, skin and brain. Excessive estrogens can cause fluid retention, weight gain, migraines and over stimulation of the breasts, ovaries and uterus, leading to cancer, endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, uterine fibroid tumors. Insufficient estrogen levels or fluctuations of estrogen can lead to hot flushes, vaginal dryness, rapid skin aging, urinary problems, excessive bone loss and possible acceleration of dementia. An excess of estrogen, relative to testosterone, is thought to play a role in the development of prostate problems in men. Most scientists now agree that by-products of estrogen metabolism are the cause of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer. Progesterone is a hormonal balancer, particularly of estrogens. It enhances the beneficial effect of estrogens while preventing the problems associated with estrogen excess, which includes Polycystic Ovaries. Natural Progesterone also helps regulate apoptosis. Progesterone also helps create a balance of all other steroids. It also has intrinsic calming and diuretic properties. Progesterone is the "Pro-Gestational" hormone and is the single most important hormone for conception and full-term pregnancy. Its important in men for the maintenance of prostate health is only now being appreciated.
Estrogen Dominance
Natural progesterone balances the side effects of otherwise unopposed estrogen. Under influences of an ovulatory cycles, menopause, stress and dietary antagonists, progesterone production ceases or is suppressed and the effects of Estrogen Dominance, can be observed. Many women experience otherwise unexplained weight gain from the lack of progesterone that is required for proper thyroid function.
Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance includes:
Increased Body Fat
Interference with Thyroid Hormone Activity (hypo-thyroid)
Depression & Headaches
Salt and Water Retention
Blood Sugar Irregularities (Food Cravings)
Reduced Oxygen in All Cells
Decreased Libido (Sex Drive)
Loss of Zinc and Retention of Copper
Excessive Blood Clotting
Increased Risk of Breast Cancer
Reduced Vascular Tone
Increased Risk of Endometrial Cancer
Uterine Cramping
Increased Risk of Uterine Cancer
Traditional treatments have included tranquilizers, diuretics, dietary changes, thyroid supplements, herbs, vitamins, exercise, acupuncture and psychiatric counseling. While these may provide some easing of symptoms, the underlying causes remain.
The resultant Benefits of natural progesterone include
Helps Use Fat for Energy
Facilitates Thyroid Hormone Action
Natural Anti-depressant
Natural Diuretic
Normalizes Blood Sugar Levels
Restores Proper Cell Oxygen Levels
Restores Libido
Normalizes Menstrual Cycles
Normalizes Zinc & Copper Levels
Normalizes Blood Clotting
Protects Against Breast Fibrocysts
Helps Protect Epithelial cells against Breast Cancer
Helps Prevent Endometrial Cancer
Helps prevent Ovarian Cysts and Ovarian Cancer
Precursor for Cortisone Production (Arthritis)
Stimulates Osteoblast Cells (Osteoporosis Reversal)
The Female Body manufactures many types of Estrogen but only one Progesterone and Natural
Progesterone is the Source of Libido or Sex Drive in Women.
Osteoporosis is a disorder in which progressive bone mass loss and demineralization increase ones risk of fracture. This condition permits us to observe how prescription progestins and estrogens compare to Natural Progesterone. The standard medical protocol for osteoporosis is to use estrogen, (commonly synthesized from pregnant mare’s urine), in spite of the fact that the most authoritative medical textbooks do not support it. The following article illustrates: "Estrogens decrease bone resorption" but "associated with the decrease in bone resorption is a decrease in bone formation. Therefore, estrogens should not be expected to increase bone mass."** - Scientific American's Updated Medicine Text, 1991.
Bone tissue should be broken down and rebuilt continuously, just like all of the cells in our body. This
process takes place when Osteoclasts help to dissolve old bone tissue, while osteoblasts stimulate new bone growth. Because estrogen has a rate limiting effect on Osteoclasts, Estrogen Dominance delays the breakdown of bone tissue but does not support bone building (osteoblast function).
Natural progesterone, on the other hand, stimulates osteoblast production which results in new bone tissue growth. Consequently, estrogens only slow down bone loss, not promote the formation of new bone tissue.
Osteoporosis Research
The efficacy of natural progesterone is verified by a three year study of 63 post-menopausal women
with osteoporosis.**
Women using transdermal progesterone cream experienced an average 7-8% bone mass density
increase the first year, 4-5% the second year and 3-4% the third year!
Untreated women in this age category typically lose 0.7% to 2.0% bone mineral density per year!
These results have not been found with any other form of hormone replacement therapy,
prescription medication or dietary supplement!
Maintaining proper levels of natural progesterone, giving due attention to dietary choices, dietary calcium, managing stress and regular exercise are all vital components of strong, healthy bones.
Ovarian Cancer
Typically, lower fertilization rates are found in women who have polycystic ovaries rather than those with tubal disease or endometriosis. Increased levels of estrogen stimulate increased levels of testosterone and androgen (increased body hair). Increased androgen (hyper-androgenism) has been shown to be critical in the pathogenesis or development of polycystic ovaries and ovarian cancer.
Mechanisms by which androgens induce cyst formation, however, have not yet been elucidated. It has been hypothesized that ovarian androgen excess produces larger follicles and increased apoptosis, resulting in cyst formation and follicular atresia (death and regression of an ovarian follicle). Hyper-androgenism, therefore, produces larger follicles and increased apoptosis. Apoptosis is the process by which a cell runs its life course and actively "commits suicide".
It is now well recognized that apoptosis is essential in many aspects of normal development and is required for maintaining tissue homeostasis. Failure to properly regulate apoptosis can have catastrophic consequences. Cancer and many diseases (AIDS, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, heart attack, stroke, etc.) are thought to arise from deregulation of apoptosis.
So, whether a woman conceives through traditional "natural pregnancy" or IVF Fertility Treatment, it is critically important that she maintain optimal levels of progesterone throughout pregnancy. A drop in progesterone levels or a blockade of progesterone receptors during the first 11 or 12 weeks of pregnancy will often result in loss of the embryo.
Dr. Catherine Dalton has suggested that pregnant women use a properly formulated natural progesterone cream until the start of the third tri-mester when the placenta takes over progesterone production. She further states that women who maintain high progesterone levels during pregnancy produce healthier and more intelligent children.
All of the research we have reviewed and the many years of clinical experience of Dr. John Lee (California, USA) conclude that natural progesterone is safe and free of side effects (when administered topically) and addresses the underlying causes of many hormone related health problemsthat plague women, including infertility, polycystic Ovaries and ovarian cancer.
Hot Flashes
At approximately age 45 to 50 estrogen levels begin to fall. When they fall below the levels necessary to signal the uterine lining to thicken and gather blood, the menstrual flow becomes less and/or irregular, eventually stopping altogether. Take a closer look at Hot Flashes, one of the primary symptoms associated with menopause in industrialized countries. Although there is no empirical proof of the cause for hot flashes the following explanation may have merit.
An area in the brain's hypothalamus (the GnRH center) monitors estrogen and progesterone levels. When levels of these hormones decline, this triggers the GnRH which, in turn, stimulates the pituitary to make the hormones, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which in turn result in the ovarian production of estrogen and progesterone. The rise in these hormones inhibits further production of GnRH.
At menopause, estrogen levels fall and progesterone levels are usually already low. The ovaries, therefore, no longer respond to the FSH and LH prompt. In addition to hot flashes, the heightened activity of the hypothalamus can cause mood swings, fatigue, feelings of being cold, and inappropriate responses to other stressors. Many women will have symptoms of hypothyroidism despite normal thyroid hormone levels.
The GnRH center effectively signals to increase estrogen and progesterone levels.
Elevated estrogen and progesterone inhibit GnRH release.
After menopause the ovaries no longer make estrogen and progesterone.
Lack of estrogen and progesterone response results in increased activity of the GnRH center.
Heightened GnRH activity activates the vasomotor center, causing hot flashes and perspiration.